Everything Clicked
Today was a great day....
I'm gettin baptized (pause for shock and awe...lol)
Everything today just clicked.
I woke up this morning for church and instead of the usual me rollin' over and going back to sleep, I got up handled my business and was ready to go.
Sunday School was great today, we had a good discussion on how we serve the Lord, putting people up on a pedistool, judging people and the suffering that goes along with being a Christian (ask me to explain). Since there aren't any guys my age in the church anymore, I'm in a class with 35 and older men, including my pops, but I hold my own in there. I challenge their thinking the same way they challenge mine ya know. Anywho, my pops, who NEVER talks was making points and raising questions and I was like DANG YO, this is new...
My grandpa is a preacher at our church and is known for his long drawn out messages that tend to lose people right? Like he makes sense but he takes so long to make his point that most peoples minds are in another world by the time he makes it, well this Sunday, he was on it. He lead devotion and was just GOOD. Like really good, and he was like making perfect sense and seeing him do that kinda good my mind right and ready to recieve the word today...
We had a guest pastor today, and he was good. He made everyone loose and relaxed by breakin the ice and tradin a few jokes with our pastor. Anyway, he preached on "Healing the Waters" from 2 Kings 2:19-22, I'ma share some of my sermon notes with ya...
- EliSHA was Elijah's succesor and did twice as many miracles as Elijah
- Elisha healing the water was his 1st miracle and it was necessary because the water in Jericho had gone bad.
- The surface was alright but under all that the land was thirsting. (metaphor)
- Everything looks good but what you don't see is the waters gone bad (metaphor)
- its important to remember that nothing lives without WATER....human or otherwise
- Water = family, community, government, education system, etc.
- with these we can't sustain these, we can't live without this Water
- the WATER today has gone bad...
- Back to Elisha time, Elisha asked the people to bring him a new bowl and salt.
- Back then they didn't have the technology we have today, the bowls were made of clay and were porous, meaning that what ever was in them would start to would get in the clay and start to change it
- So a new bowl that hadn't been tainted was needed
- New bowl = new life
(By this time he already had me hooked but I'll keep goin)
- Now the salt...we should be salt. Salt is used to perserve, then it was medicinal, it was seasoning, it brought out flavor.
- Ironically, salt actually pollutes water but Salt is US and in Elisha's case he had God.
- Salt = us, we used to be no good, but when we become Salt, God changes us.
- Salt pulls everything out that AIN'T God...
- God is the filter, he cleanses us, makes us clean, clear (bottled water story, you kinda had to be there)
- Water is the life giving sustainence and once we have our water cleanses with salt and filtered with God, we can be used...
I learned a lot...lol
Well the end of service came and I was anxious to go, I had already decided in my head halfway through the sermon that today was going this way for a reason and that there was no better time than now. So he called for people to come, and I told my moms excuse me (she thought I was going to the bathroom) and I made my way to the front...
My legs were shaking HARD! I had to kinda pace and act like I was checkin my shoes for it not to show in front of everybody...We'll I did it...
I'm a candidate for baptism. I think my pastor put it best. "Mike has been blessed a great deal, and now he is making sure he has some insurance on those blessings"
Today was a big day, everything feel into place, the stars aligned, (insert metaphor here)
My good friend, Ernisha (who I wanna thank for helping me see some things last night) told me she could see it coming... This was something I kept putting off over and over again but last night we were talkin about church and other things and it was like I was raised in the church and she asked "What happend" and it wasn't sarcastic like we usually are with each other, it was like well College happend. I got up here and mama and dem wasn't pulling the sheets off me to get outta bed and go, I had to choice and I was choosing to sleep. That kinda tugged at me like I never thought I was that gone, I mean I don't wil' out like that. I'm pretty chill I didn't think I was doing anything to wrong but I had lost touch a little bit and I wanna thank for helping me see that.
The thank yous go on and on, Miss Moss, you don't know how much you helped, My parents, they knew I would be back, I mean everybody who was praying for me and I didn't even know it. I had my prodigal son phase ya know, grew in the church, strayed a little and came back because the foundation was there...
This was definitely a day I won't forget
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