The Night Before Christmas...
Twas the night before Christmas...
and Big Mike ain't have shit else to do...
but sit and blog about nothing, just for you!
Ok, so I think I'm the only one this bothers but how come every black person in commercials has to have an afro. I mean seriously, is that supposed to represent all of us. I can't get as mad as I want to because I've had an afro at 3 different times in my life but McDonald's even did in a cartoon commercial where the black people had 'fros
And its one dude who is just like the "King" of commercials right now. He was in that Bailey's joint with the lady from Girlfriends, he was in a recent TGI Commercial where he gives a giftcard to his friend.
The funny thing is I wasn't the only one wondering who the hell he was. I google'd Bailey's commercial and some of the other ads he was and came across over 20 message boards where people were wondering who the hell he is and how come he never has speaking parts in those commercials.
Anyway, I found this dude, NOBODY KNOWS THIS NIGGA! He was in the Coke Lime commercial, Burger King commercial, he was Jenkins in the American Airlines joint, Visa with the dancing worm and check, and a bunch of other shit anyway I just gave up and started watching the Grinch (the old one)
So, if ya'll get bored please tell me who the fuck this nigga is?
and by the way he ain't got nothing on my boy the Rubberband Man!
Them commercials were my joints!
At least this dude, his name is actually Eddie Steeples, took his commercial success and turned it into a career (He's been in a couple movies and is on the show "My Name Is Earl") and by the way, if you get bored go on YouTube and watch his old commercials AND he has some old audition tapes on there from like '99, them joints are hilarious. Anyway, I gotta wrap these gifts! Y'all be easy and Merry Christmas from ya boy Big Mike and THE RUBBERBAND MAN!
I might write more later so until then here is a video from the Rubberband Man...
i totally agree with you. i also i hate how they have that 'jazzy black people' music in all of those commercials. i actually wanted to boycott mcdonalds and those dumb shampoo commercials that did that. you know how some advertisers have a the same commercial with a 'black' version and a 'white' version... that is so annoying. i hate it!
6:53 AM
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