Cuervo & Coronas
10:45 PM, December 31, 2006 I thought my New Year’s plans had died. I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, sitting on the trunk of my pops car texting random New Year’s messages to my acquaintances. Finally, The Mota Family came through.
So we headed downtown looking for a spot to ring in the New Year, time passed as we thought about different spots that would be good and around 11:40 we decided on the Westin. So, we get in there. Go straight to the bar. Dude Bernardo got some Coronas and got me a Cuervo and we took pictures and killed the last couple minutes of 2006. People were handing out champagne flutes, everybody was getting in their places, counting down BOOM! Happy New Year! People hugging and kissing all around and an old white woman was drunk a gave me a hug like we were old friends or family. It made me think man, 30-40 years ago that would have NEVER happened.

So after that, the group headed to the Marriott, where basically the "hood" party downtown was going to be. I mean all you saw in line to get in were dudes with dreads, wearing hoodies and sunglasses, I mean it was almost creepy how they all dressed alike. We were supposed to get in free and we would have if I was 21, so the compromise to get my under 21 ass in the club was to pay $20, which wasn't bad but for a party I knew I wouldn't enjoy, I didn't want to fuck with it.
But I did get to see a drunk white lady fall in the hallway while we were there, so that was pretty good.

So we headed to The Morehead Tavern and that was pretty good. Other than it being a million big girls it was a good lil spot that I would have never gone too. I had more drinks there and tried to act like I didn't know somebody I've known since 6th grade and tried not to have to fight a dyke I got Corona on. All and all though, a good night. Got to see my nig Akea Mc happy, got to laugh at niggas in courduroy blazers buying girls drinks (that nigga must be stupid), got to see white people fight at the bar. I mean it was good, and the DJ didn't get outrageous with his song selection.
I got home that night and couldn't sleep so I watched some movies and then started reading The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, so far so good with that. If you're a person who reads a lot you might want to scoop it.

I'm back in Greensboro now and basically neglecting my responsibilities just trying to get back in the swing of school, unlike some people who can show up a day or two before classes and be good, I need a little more time so I tried to do something productive with myself today. I cooked, wash clothes, went to the office and did a little work.
I'm especially proud of how QC is deep in the Orange Bowl tonight. You got Kenny playing running back for Wake Forest, my West Charlotte people Rod (starting at corner) and Trent (returning kicks) playing for Louisville, not to mention all the Charlotte people I don't know who are the Wake Forest team. It's crazy to see people you had class with in high school doing big things but I want to wish them much more success in the future.
Anybody else remember how bad I wanted to go to Wake a couple years ago, I knew something special was brewing but at the end of the day, IT AIN'T A&T SO IT AIN'T SH*T!
Be easy yall, I'm going to be writing a lot more this year and trust me all of it won't just be what I did and ate that day...
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