This is me and Rick Ross.
I don't know Rick Ross. I've met him, sat down and interviewed him but I don't know that nigga anymore than those 10 minutes with him and listening to Port of Miami (Ok, I gotta number too but other than that...)
What I'm getting at is, I CAN'T GET YOU SIGNED! I know my MySpace album is full of pictures with me and random celebrities (meeting Flava Flav was one of my favorites) but most of those pictures come from a total of three nights and a couple of interviews, any other time I'm a regular nigga, just like you, going through the motions at A&T.
Yes, I work at a radio station, but I don't put niggas on...anymore. I would love to break the next Lupe Fiasco or Rick Ross but I work at an old soul station where there is probably an 100:1 ratio of Gospel/R&B to Rap.
Don't hand me your demo, tell me to call you, try to get in good with me because its a wasted effort. In the words of Dave Chappelle, "send that shit through the proper channels." I'm not a program director and I sometimes wonder where I stand with my own PD. (Still love her for being hard on me though)
I support local music. (It's not where you're from, it's where you at)
I support good music but I refuse to help people without their own creativity, the world doesn't need another Crime Mob or D4L (I like both) but they got their respective markets on cornered so be ORIGINAL.
Realize too that rapping ain't for everybody. Just cause you bought a mic and some jewelry and you got your boy that major in GCS to make you an album cover doesn't make you a legitimate artist and for the last time, your dorm closet in Curtis, is not, I repeat IS NOT a booth. Stop tellin' these hoes you was in the booth, thats why you didn't answer your phone. Get your money together and go to a real recording studio. Can't afford that, we actually have some on campus. I love rags to riches stories but come on man, you can do better.
Here are some local artist, making good music the right way:
Wallsauce: http://www.myspace.com/djwallsauce
My boy out of Charlotte, don't let the funny name fool you. An up and coming producer, he sounds a lot like 9th Wonder but has some originals that bang too. Look out for his BlackSauce album (a collection of Black Album remixes on Wallsauce beats, definitely the hottest shit on the planet right now)
Nelace: http://www.myspace.com/nelace

Nelace is doing big things now. Has a flow thats original. An up north/down south hybrid I think people will really like. Oh and he does graphics too. Them joints are hot.
Double-O: http://www.myspace.com/doubleoqc
QC Representa is the album. Has real ass production for a local dude, the lyrics ain't always there but the beats get you everytime, catchy hooks and lyrics. This is down south music to rok with.
A&T's own Cuttin Up...They are some young dudes trying to do it out here. They from my city, QC, so I'm gonna support them. When they get really really solid production, watch out.
Sandman ESQ: http://www.myspace.com/sandmanesq
Sandman is self-proclaimed leader of the New South. He's from Atlanta, and was hoopin' for Providence College (that's Big East basketball for those who ain't know) but when it came down to choosing basketball over music, he couldn't do it. But yea, he's doing his thing
One last thing...
I'm not related to Rick Ross! My name's not Rick Ross...I really really don't like that shit! I mean it was cool at first, kinda funny but the joke's old and annoying. If you don't know my name, its Mike by the way, just call me bruh or something else not Rick Ross (or Freeway or David Banner, any rapper with a beard)